Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More Palin

The more I read about Palin- the more i don't like her. The more i start to think that she is a horrible horrible mistake. I really hope mccain doesn't win. Palin is a gross misstep.

There is an article on the Washington Independent. I didn't read it, i got linked to it after reading one of the comments on it that have been passed around. The comment is a little long so I'm not going to post it, just link it. It is written in a very strait up way to understand and is support by facts and figures. With so much spin and "gut feeling" bullshit that is passed off as news on television, it is refreshing to read and you can pretty much make up your mind about her seeing as it contains all of her record. It was written by someone who has known palin since 92. If you are interested about informed voting and politics at all, it is worth the read.

On a related note, this is a video of two conservative commentators on MSNBC, after they're off the air, say what they really think about the VP choice. The woman's voice is Peggy Noonan, a speechwriter for Reagan. An honest look into what republicans are thinking when the mics are turned off and they don't just spout rederic "for the good of the party"

For the good of the party. Shit. It should be for the good of the country. When did this turn into "we win, they lose!" How about this time we elect someone honest.

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